Friday, January 16, 2009

Good days!

Dane is loving his new job! He is so excited tho go to work now. He has given me hope that he won't be fired if he doesn't work out, because, contrary to what I thought, the last 2 plant managers weren't "golden children". They were hired to just keep the status-quo. Dane on the other hand is being trained for change. That's why they want him so badly! He has ideas for change! (Is he the Barack Obama of Scottdell? We'll see!) I am super excited to see what the next few years bring!
Andrew finally calmed down, and he took a spelling teat yesterday, and thinks he only got one word wrong. That's good! He is such a bad speller...I hope to help him study better! We will try something new and different this next week!
Sarah has a cheer leading clinic tomorrow. I know...ugh...MY daughter...a cheerleader. She's such a good little athlete! When I was coaching her soccer team, she was one of the fastest kids on the team! She just doesn't like sports :(. Oh well. I will support her in whatever she chooses to do! She is so excited, I wouldn't want to take that away, even if it is...ugh...cheer leading.
Myself on the other hand, I love my job! I'm good at my job! I love the people I work with, most of the time! I don't know what else to say about myself...I don't like talking about myself much.
Today was a scheduled day off of school, but I don't think we would have had school anyway, because of the wind chill. Let's just say, the temp WITHOUT the wind chill is -11. Wow. Freaking cold!! So the kids and I are at home. I don't have to worry about Dane being out in the cold any more because of his new job! Woohoo! Sarah has built a fort. Andrew has helped. My nephew Logan is spending the night. And we have bowling tonight! (that is a whole other blog entry right don't'll get the story behind that eventually!) The kids are excited about the day off...we'll probably play some games together, take time to read, color, study...whatever, watch stuff! Our only regret is that Daddy (Dane) isn't here with us to join in the fun!

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