Saturday, January 17, 2009


So, the other day, I was talking about bowling. Now, normally, I'm not too happy about bowling. We bowl on Dane's mom's church league. It's a baptist church. BAPTIST. ugh. Anyway, usually we go and don't talk to anyone really, since we're probably the youngest people there, they all know who we are (Deb's heathen son & D-I-L), we don't really know anybody there except Deb and Ted, and a few others....but it's not like we're the same kind of people. It's a no alcohol league. The request you act according to the sewaring, be sportsmanlike...etc...and while they remind everyone of these rules, they look right at us!

Anyway, back to the "normally" I'm not too happy. I BOWLED THE BEST GAMES OF MY LIFE THE OTHER NIGHT! My high game was a 192, that was the last game. The 2nd game I bowled a 155 and the first, was a 120 I think. It was the best I've ever bowled in my life! My average is 117, or should I say it WAS 117. :)

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